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Ready for the new reality?

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

Image generated by DAN
Fast Powerful Hope

Back in 2017, I read the book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.

Early on, he talks about the effect the Cognitive Revolution had on our species. How, due to our learned ability to transmit information to each other about things that do not really exist meant we outlived the numerous other Sapiens in existence at the time and are still pushing the limits of what it means to be human today.

Surely, innovation in its truest sense.

As a business RARE was born to help visualise research & innovation and the notion of (constant) innovation is something that has always been part of RARE's DNA.

From experience, it is acutely apparent that we can’t just live in the past. We need to embrace uncertainty and constantly adapt.

Enter AI and more specifically how we, as a brand design business specialising in innovation, can use it to further enhance what we deliver to our clients and how we deliver it.

What framed our early thinking was how technology advancements were changing the way information is received and digested by consumers and how there is a real need to build the brands of tomorrow, today.

Fast forward to today, with the global Covid-19 pandemic likely to be an ever present (at least for the foreseeable future), this notion is ever more necessary.

This IS the new normal.

Businesses that are able to adapt are the ones that will survive.

Fortunately, as a business, we feel that we have never been in a better place to support our clients and to deliver RAdically RElevant designs and innovation even if we are not able to leave the house.

All this stems from how we are set up.

We are a deliberately small core team with experience in commercial strategy, strategic creativity & efficient and effective design delivery.

We work with and empower our team of experienced designers on numerous projects simultaneously.

The new addition to our team and what really sets us apart is DAN, our AI system, and how we use this process to augment creativity.

Readers familiar with our blog and LinkedIn posts will know that by using Data Analysis and Natural Language Processing we are able to build up a picture of the customer or opportunity and create the Intelligent Brief.

From there we conceptualise ideas and opportunities or design brands that are relatable for the target consumer without actually needing to meet them.

We do this by supporting client-side marketers but we also support agency businesses by who want true strategic creativity.

As business leaders, we’ve got to ask ourselves if we are ready for this new reality. With DAN in our team, we know we are and we’re ready to support our clients wherever we are needed.

Contact us for an informal conversation.

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